I made a video of a script I wrote for Counter Strike. It makes a player into a black hole when you make a headshot. I suspect my family won’t understand much of this but that’s ok.
Saturday July 7, 2007
Saturday June 23, 2007
Photos in the Widgets!
I’m so happy! I’ve been wanting to get some sort of widget that would put a random picture from my Gallery in the Sidebar. As you can see I now have one. It is a Widget that allows you to put PHP in it and a line I found after much searching on how to get a random picture from Gallery. Now to see if I can get it to put more than 1.
Friday June 1, 2007
What’s a record?
If you talk to someone born after 1990 about playing records on a turntable they will probably look at you like you just spoke a foreign language. For those of us who grew up getting our tunes from LPs and 45 it’s probably been a while since you’ve seen or heard one. That all changed for me today and in a very cool way.
I’ve got about 200 records I’ve collected starting in the late 60s with Sonny and Cher’s In Case You’re in Love to sometime in the late 80s with who knows what. I haven’t heard any of these records since I got married in 1994 because they have been hidden in the garage from hell. Now that Jenny finally got it cleaned out we found the old records but alas how was I going to play said records since I don’t have a record player anymore.
What I really wanted to do was convert them to CD or MP3 so I could take them with me on my bike or in my car. I thought about getting a turntable and hooking it to my sound card but then I found this!
It’s a turntable made to copy your records to the computer using USB and software. The software they include is Audacity which Daryl has mentioned on his blog and I have used for quite a while.
This thing is so cool! I’ve converted a couple of albums so far and I plan to spend the weekend doing more.
Monday May 14, 2007
Saturday April 7, 2007
Friday March 30, 2007
Seems like my attempt at getting rid of spam also got rid of most people’s ability to post a comment. It was a setting in the options on a new plugin that did it. I’ve turned it off so hopefully you can comment away now.
Saturday March 3, 2007
New Akismet
There is a new version of Akismet available. I got to thinking it wasn’t working all that well because I’ve gotten several over the last few days. When I went into the Akismet page I realized I’m just getting hit at a very high rate and it does catch almost all of it. I decided to check if there was a new version anyways and there is. It includes this nifty little widget that tells how many spam it’s caught. At the time of this writing it had caught 7055. What’s it up to now?
Monday January 15, 2007
New toy for Don
This is generated from my new weather station in the back yard. It’s just like the one Daryl got for Christmas. I must be a little more of a geek because I’ve already installed the software that updates this every minute.