My Substitute Reality -You're just jealous cause the little voices only talk to me-

Wednesday May 13, 2009

Geek Alert!!!

Filed under: Geek — don @ 12:46 am

Ok, this is one of the geekiest things I’ve ever done but other geeks will love it. I recently got a Mac Mini so that I could try to create some apps for the iPhone. I might be able to make a few bucks or not but I know a lot of people have quit their day job because of it. Since I don’t have a day job at the moment I’ve nothing to lose.

Anyways, this is not about that. This is about VirtualBox. Daryl told me about it a while ago and I had played with it and a similar thing called VM Ware.

I got to thinking about the possibility of installing it on my Mac and sure enough there was a version for it. Here’s a picture of my Mac’s screen with a Windows 7 VB and and an Ubuntu VB running at the same time.

My propeller is spinning at about 8,000 RPM.


Here’s an update showing I added Windows XP.


And one more update showing I added Suse and Windows 98.



  1. this is definitely something I don’t understand…. I’ll have Eric check it out.

    Comment by Jocelyn — Wednesday May 13, 2009 @ 12:22 pm

  2. Excellent. No more costly program computability issues for you….

    Comment by Eric — Wednesday May 13, 2009 @ 7:40 pm

  3. VirtualBox is pretty cool, but you need to have enough processing power to run multiple OSs at the same time. I don’t. Maybe my next computer will…

    I’m surprised that there’s already a Windows 7 compatibility box. Does it just run in a Vista box? Or have they made VB so anything can be installed?

    Comment by Daryl — Thursday May 14, 2009 @ 9:51 am

  4. Yes there is already a Windows 7 compatibility box. I was a little surprised too. I don’t think just anything can be installed but a lot of OSs will work.

    Comment by Don — Thursday May 14, 2009 @ 12:18 pm

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