Yes, I won in an online contest. Ok I didn’t win a lot but it wasn’t chopped liver either.
A friend of mine entered my name to send an invite to play this online game and so I did. I didn’t know how real it was but it only took a minute and when I finished it said I had won a Corsair Power Supply. I really didn’t think it was real but today I got an email asking me to send my info so they could send the power supply. I asked the guy who had put my name in and he said he won a Grid Game and yes they were legit.
I put in 6 people’s email so if you get something from Palit Multimedia talking about the Palit Monster Mash you too could win.
Let us know when you actually get the merchandise.
Comment by Daryl — Monday January 12, 2009 @ 11:23 am
Will do but I understand the guy who nabbed me already got his.
Comment by Don — Monday January 12, 2009 @ 12:00 pm
I received this today, Feb 21. It’s exactly what I said it was.
Comment by Don — Saturday February 21, 2009 @ 12:03 pm