Here’s a picture of the weather sensors on my roof. We got .02″ of rain today.
Wednesday January 17, 2007
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I found that I will have to put the temperature sensor in the shade. As soon as the sun hits it, the temperature shoots up. Today it said 85 degrees at about 10 in the morning (when it was closer to 45). A few days ago it peaked at 105, when it clearly wasn’t over 65.
Otherwise it looks like you have a good setup, and should get accurate results for wind and rain.
Comment by Daryl — Wednesday January 17, 2007 @ 9:19 pm
I’m seeing the same type of thing. Today it was spiking up and down by 10 degrees with the wind. I’m going to move it down under the patio and see if that helps.
Comment by Don — Wednesday January 17, 2007 @ 10:21 pm
I place my outdoor temperature sensor on the north side of the trailer to get accurate results. I have velcro located on each side so I can place it properly where ever we are parked. I have found that it needs to be located where it will not see any solar gain from the sun shining on the ground below it or be radiated from any other location. If your patio is on the north side it would probably be good. Otherwise it may give false readings.
Comment by Richard — Thursday January 18, 2007 @ 9:16 pm
We’ve seen .04″ of rain so far this morning. Don, I see you show no rain for the past 24 hours. Did you get any more rain from this storm that’s just hitting us? Or just the .02″ you mentioned above?
Comment by Daryl — Friday January 19, 2007 @ 10:20 am
We just got the.02” I mentioned if my rain gauge is working correctly. The news report said Woodland Hills got .17” that day and we aren’t far from them although they are a lot closer to the hill. I plan to check out my rain guage and move my temp sensor down this weekend.
I’m hoping if I put it on one of the patio posts it will be shaded enough. My patio is on the south side but I think it’s fairly well shadowed with all the neighbor’s trees.
When are you going to install your software? I want to figure out how to talk to it using basic or C and could really use your help.
Comment by Don — Friday January 19, 2007 @ 10:43 am
Ok, I moved my sensor down to the patio area and found that the rain bucket was binding up from the screws I used to hold it to the pole. I think everything is now good to go. I also joined the Weather Underground which just means my data is uploaded to their site every minute or so. Here is the url:
I also found some software Daryl might be interested in. It allows you to pull data from the unit in various ways. It even has a php example.
Comment by Don — Saturday January 20, 2007 @ 4:29 pm
I finally got my weather station on line too. It’s just a crude basic display now, but I will play with it (maybe) later.
Comment by Daryl — Monday January 22, 2007 @ 11:57 am
I REALLY like uploading the data to Weather Underground. They have all the tools to graph and see my data. It’s much better than the software you get with the station.
Comment by Don — Monday January 22, 2007 @ 4:41 pm
Where is this “Weather Underground”?
Comment by Daryl — Monday January 22, 2007 @ 5:09 pm
Look at comment 6 above. I use software called WUHW for Weather Underground Heavyweather Uploader. You can find that from one of the links at WU or just do a search for it.
Comment by Don — Monday January 22, 2007 @ 6:16 pm