My Substitute Reality -You're just jealous cause the little voices only talk to me-

Tuesday September 19, 2006

Nothing new

Filed under: Nothing — don @ 7:00 am

I know it’s been a month since my last entry.  That should show you just how boring my life is right now.  I’ll try to catch you up on everyone.

Ann is still living with us.  She cleaned her room last week.  That probably deserved an entry when she did it since it’s quite rare.

Jenny is living with us now.  She got a job last week at Old Navy.  I think she gets a discount but I’m not really the Old Navy type.

Michelle is living with a family of a high school friend in Simi Valley and working at a fitness center.  I hope she follows through on her dream of being a chef but time will tell.

Betty is still going to her cardiac rehab exercise classes 3 times a week.  We hope she’ll be able to ride on my bike sometime soon.

I’m still working 6-3 making satellites.  I like to think the US is a little safer because of what I do.  At least that’s what our customer tells us and I have no reason to doubt it.

Heather and Jocelyn have their own blogs so you can find out what’s up with them.


  1. Is that 6am to 3pm, or 6pm to 3am?

    Comment by Daryl — Wednesday September 20, 2006 @ 6:43 pm

  2. 6am to 3pm. I don’t work wierd hours anymore.

    Comment by Don — Thursday September 21, 2006 @ 6:21 am

  3. Can you make my blog cool like your and heathers?

    Comment by Jocelyn — Thursday September 21, 2006 @ 9:57 am

  4. Yes. I was waiting for you to ask.

    Comment by Don — Thursday September 21, 2006 @ 10:39 am

  5. kewl

    Comment by jocelyn — Friday September 22, 2006 @ 12:14 pm

  6. OMG!!! I LOVE IT!!. it’s so cute and perfect. Thank You daddy.

    Comment by jocelyn — Saturday September 23, 2006 @ 9:03 am

  7. ummm… how do I edit my blog now?

    Comment by jocelyn — Saturday September 23, 2006 @ 9:12 am

  8. You should be able to edit it the same way you have been. Just log in and write.

    Comment by Don — Saturday September 23, 2006 @ 9:31 am

  9. Now that I have login.. Thank you daddy. I msged eric and told him about it.. He’s prolly going to want something a bit less feminin. I’ll let ya know what he thinks of it.

    Comment by jocelyn — Saturday September 23, 2006 @ 10:57 am

  10. remember a long time ago i worked for old navy for a week and then they demanded i stay after my shift and told me that all retail does that and when i didnt stay, they treated me like dirt?!?!, yay, that’s why it was a week.. i like the disney store, could u call them and tell them to have hours so i can make money at a job that is good to me?!?!.. and i have a clean room all the time, where’s my props?!?! and dont u know michelle only lives where she does for the free ipod?!?! but i was never angry at that…ok.. im done.. go check ur myspace.. i sent u a possums comment..

    Comment by jen — Monday January 29, 2007 @ 4:37 am

  11. “ur myspace”? Don, you’ve been holding out on us!

    Comment by Donna — Wednesday January 31, 2007 @ 5:42 pm

  12. There is no Don’s myspace. You and the droids can move along.

    Comment by Don — Wednesday January 31, 2007 @ 6:23 pm

  13. did i say myspace??… i meant my place.. my room.. he needs to help me put my new direct tv box in.. i mean.. uh.. nobdy likes milhouse… sorry don!

    Comment by jen — Friday February 2, 2007 @ 7:13 am

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