I use an avatar on all the forums I post on. Here’s the one I’m currently using.
Thursday March 12, 2009
Tuesday February 24, 2009
Miracle Labs
As some of you know I’ve been involved with a game called Counter-Strike and more specifically a plugin for that game called the Eventscripts Plugin. Basically the plugin allows people to change how the game acts depending on “events” and stuff happening.
My point is not about the plugin but about the guy who wrote it. His name is Mattie and he is a good friend of mine. I have become his friend and vice versa because of my participation in his Eventscript forum but in the past few years he has been doing some really cool and fun stuff on the web.
Enter Miracle Labs. That is what he calls his “company”. It consist of Mattie, a couple of his friends(Glenn and Ted), and his wife Helen. So far they have created several interesting and useful web sites.
The first one I knew about is called Bug.gd. That is a site that you can search to see if anyone else has seen a particular error or problem you’ve run into. The interesting part is it will optionally send you an email a few days after your visit if it didn’t help to see if you solved the problem.
Another is called ri.ms. It is a site similar to tinyurl.com that will shrink a url. It’s very useful for people who use Twitter because you only get 140 letter per post.
Their latest foray is called YumBunny. This is a dating/meeting site with a twist. It shows 2 people and asks if they look good together. You click Yes, maybe, or No. I’m still a little unclear on how it tells people they might match up but hopefully it takes off.
These are all intersting “Experiments” by Miracle Labs. I hope they do well. Below is the YumBunny thing.
Friday January 9, 2009
Windows something or other
I wanted to make the title say Windows Vista7 but I don’t know how to make a line in the title. I’m currently installing Windows 7 on one of my newer machines. It’s not my best machine but it is running a Core 2 Duo and it’s got around 2 GB of RAM so it should work fine.
I’ve been running Vista for close to a year now and I actually like it. Vista got a very bad rap and I’m not really sure why. It does take a little getting used to especially if you moved from Win 2000. It’s not a lot different from XP except it asks you everytime it thinks you might be doing something stupid. I turned that off as soon as I found out how.
Now that Windows 7 is available as a public beta I figured I might as well try it. I’ll report on what I think once I’ve played with it a bit. It’s in the middle of the installation now.
Sunday November 30, 2008
Desert Bus for Hope
Here’s a very stange but interesting link to something going on this Thanksgiving weekend.
This is put on by an Internet group called LoadingReadyRun.com. They are a group of kids in Victoria BC that make videos that they hope will become viral. Some do, some don’t but this weekend they are playing a game called Desert Bus. They are raising money for a charity called Childs Play which helps kids somehow.
Desert Bus is a game by Penn & Teller that was never actually sold but somehow got onto the internet. It consists of driving an empty school bus from Tucson to Las Vegas at 45 MPH in real time. There are no cars on the road and no real scenery except for an occasional tree and supposedly a bug splats on the windshield at about hour 5. If you make it to Las Vegas you earn a point and have to decide if you are going to drive back to try to earn another point. I guess you can do this as long as you want. If the bus goes off the road and crashes it gets towed back to Tucson in real time and you can start all over.
At any rate it’s interesting to watch the feeds and see sleep deprived kids doing silly things.
Sunday November 9, 2008
She said they had 2.7 so….
Donna told me they were up to WordPress 2.7 beta so since I love the new stuff I upgraded. I like the Dashboard a lot more than the 2.5/6 versions.
Sunday November 2, 2008
I’ve been using widgetized themes ever since Widgets came out for WordPress. During that time I’ve always used pre-widgetized themes but I recently found a theme I wanted to use that didn’t support them. I decided I would learn to widgetize a theme and guess what. It is extremely simple. I used the directions here and it works great.