As of this writing I’m 51 years old. I was born in Cuba, NY, the 5th child of Don and Eloise Lafferty. I was a Ceaserian Section baby and I like to think that’s why I’m so handsome. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister, all delivered normally. Insert witty comment here. The brother not listed in the links is Dale.
In 1958 my family decided to move to Tucson, AZ and I had my 5th birthday on the trip there. I attended the Flowing Wells school system from K through 12. I met my first 2 wives at FW. They are both ex-wives now. Maybe there was something in the water. I did have a daughter with each of them(Heather and Jocelyn) so at least some good came out of the marriages.
My first job at 13 was cleaning up dog poop at Phylo’s Poodle Parlor making 25 cents an hour. I got fired for asking for a week off to go on vacation with my family. I’ve always felt they were a little too harsh.(now that I think back they were probably Democrats)
Since then I’ve worked as a mechanic, machinist, 7-11 clerk, Teacher’s Assistant, and finally electronics engineer. I’ve worked for Hughes Space and Communications Co. for almost 18 years. Ok, we were bought by Boeing in 2000 but it will always be Hughes in my heart.
I attended DeVry Institute of Technology in Phoenix. I graduated in 1987 and moved to Los Angeles to work for Hughes. I help build and test satellites. Some of the satellites I’ve worked on are Milstar, WGS, and Spaceway. It’s usually a pretty fun and interesting job.
I met my wife Betty in 1993. We were married in September, 1994 in Las Vegas. She has 3 daughters, Ann, Jenny, and Michelle. Ann is 26 and lives with us. Jenny is 23 and Michelle is 17. They both live with their dad in Simi Valley, CA.
I have a couple of toys I really enjoy playing with. One is a Bombardier DS650 quad that I ride mostly at Pismo Beach. The other is a Yamaha FZ1 that I ride whenever I can. I also have a 24′ trailer I pull up to Pismo so we have a place to sleep and eat. I bought that after a weekend where some of my friends decided to cook a pig on the beach. It was the middle of winter and the wind was blowing and it was raining and we stayed in tents. I’m too old to do that anymore.
When I’m not riding I’m usually either watching DirecTivo, writing computer programs, playing Counter Strike, or surfing the web and reading blogs.
My political views are fairly conservative. Some things I believe.
1. The war in Iraq is both just and neccesary.
2. Social Security is broken and not doing something about is almost criminal.
3. Abortion is not a right but it is a choice.
4. I would rather we don’t kill innocent people but I understand and accept that sometimes it happens.
5. Religion has no business in government.
6. Government has no business in religion.
7. Our founding fathers were pretty damn smart.
8. I don’t mind paying taxes to support things called out in the constitution.
9. Show me in the constitution where it mentions welfare and I’ll gladly support a tax hike.
10. I don’t believe most liberals are stupid, but some are. So are some conservatives.