Honest. It’s the idea and not the person that I get riled up at. I know it seems like I’m attacking the person but I’m really just attacking the idea.
Ideas like we should do another stimulus because the first one didn’t spend enough money to really stimulate. We are $17 TRILLION in debt. I think it’s time to stop spending.
Take a look at this link sometime. http://www.usdebtclock.org/ Check out the box labeled “DEBT PER CITIZEN”. Right now that box reads $54,037. That’s my share, my wife’s share, my kids share, and even my grandkids share. That means my 1 year old grandson Emeric currently “owes” over $54,000.
Of course someone on the left will say I’m looking at it wrong. My answer is you’re looking at it wrong if you can’t understand the simple fact that when you find yourself in a deep hole the first thing you should do is stop digging.
You can’t spend your way out of debt. It’s logically impossible. But that’s what the left wants to do. And that’s what I’m angry at. Not the people. The ideas. Some of the people I love and would do anything for. Some, not so much.
I watch O’reilly and quite often he has far left people on his show. He gets into shouting matches with them but at the end of the day they are friends. I would hope those who’s political leanings are different than mine will do the same.
And finally I’m not a Republican. I don’t think the Republicans have the answer anymore than the Democrats. I think the Republicans need to stay out of my bedroom and the Democrats need to stay out of my wallet. But I do think there’s a lot more damage being done to this country by the Democrats than the Republicans. I think the Democrats are fundamentally changing this country. And it doesn’t need to be fundamentally changed. It needs to get back to what our founding fathers had in mind.
When ideas or beliefs are treated with contempt or ridicule, it implies that the holders of those beliefs are contemptible or ridiculous.
Economics and politics may seem simple with easy, clear solutions, but there are intelligent, informed people on many sides of every issue. While something may be obvious to one person, to another with a different perspective, background or temperament it might be obviously wrong.
I would enjoy exchanging ideas with someone who holds quite different ideas from my own and can discuss in a calm, respectful manner, where the goal is to discover where one might be wrong and expand our horizons, rather than proving a point, but this kind of person is hard to find.
Comment by Daryl — Saturday November 9, 2013 @ 3:34 pm
I do have to admit I have contempt and feel the need to ridicule ideas that cause my 1 year old grandson to have $54,037 of debt. It’s gone up to $54,039 as of today and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a job that pays even $1 a day.
I understand in my mind that people who hold different views than I do are not evil or stupid or even naive (necessarily) but some things just seem so black and white that I can’t understand how someone can hold some of those views.
Comment by Don — Saturday November 9, 2013 @ 4:56 pm
And there you have it.
Comment by Daryl — Saturday November 9, 2013 @ 5:01 pm
But I don’t dislike the person, only the views. It’s not personal.
Comment by Don — Saturday November 9, 2013 @ 5:03 pm