Since the port deal has come to light I keep hearing stories about how the 9/11 hijackers had ties to the UAE. Two of them came from there. Some of the money went through UAE banks. The UAE recognized the Taliban in Afghanistan. The UAE doesn’t like Israel.
All true as far as I can tell. But, quite a few of the hijackers also came from Saudi Arabia. The banks the money went through were owned by British companies. The UAE government helped us throw the Taliban out of Afghanistan after 9/11. As far as the Israel thing, I doubt you’ll find any arab country changing their tune any time soon.
I suggest we all take a deep breath and let the story come out. The Bush administration dropped the ball by not coming forward sooner but we should at least hear more.
After all, who taught the hijackers to fly planes?
Makes sense to me.
Comment by Daryl — Saturday February 25, 2006 @ 6:03 pm
They leaked at one point in time that Bush had NO IDEA that this agreement was going on. I’m not sure if that has any foundation, but if it was that way, we got some sneaky politicians in the Government. I just think that when people hear the word “arab”, they atomatically assume that the synonym is “terroist”. We all need to calm down and realize that all Arab people are not terrorists.
Comment by Eric — Tuesday February 28, 2006 @ 9:54 am
I seem to recall the Oklahoma City bombing “had to be Arabs” and that was before 9/11 which racheted up the distrust of Arabs.
Comment by Don — Tuesday February 28, 2006 @ 11:30 am
A lot of Arabs work in my office, but I think only a few of them are terrorists.
Comment by Donna — Friday March 3, 2006 @ 6:02 pm