I see. Lying to a grand jury is now a bad thing. I’ve always thought it was but it seems the lefties are choosy about it. I thought it was bad when Clinton did it and if Scooter did it I also think it’s bad. If he did he should go to jail. If they prove he lied to the grand jury I’ll be right next to the lefties this time.
And that’s the basic difference between my politics and most of the liberals who’s blogs I read. I believe when a law is broken there should be consequences. Libs seem to believe there should only be consequences if the lawbreaker was a Republican. Go figure.
Wrong, Don. You have no idea how I viewed Clinton’s impeachment. None.
However, if you were hanging out with me and my feminist homies back in 1998, you would have known we were furious with Clinton’s incessant lying. I was equally pissed that, because of the 24/7 media coverage and salacious details of the Starr report, I had to explain the meaning of ‘oral sex’ to my daughter who was 7 years old at the time.
In the future, kindly refrain from projecting your “substitute reality” on me.
Comment by GraceD — Friday October 28, 2005 @ 10:31 pm
Hey Don, double-click the little clock in your task bar. See the calendar that just popped open? It has today’s date in it. Read it: it’s 2005. Clinton is looooong gone. Move on, my friend, move on.
But, hey, congratulations on finally waking up to at least the tiniest bit of corruption in the White House you helped build.
Comment by Chuck — Friday October 28, 2005 @ 10:42 pm
Grace: I’m glad to hear you are different than 99.9% of your readers. I guess it was your “Badass liberal” comment that made me think you were one of those who supported Clinton. If I am wrong I apologize. So you thought he should have been indicted?
Chuck: Everytime someone mentions Clinton you use the same retort. I guess that’s the easiest way to deal with past mistakes you’ve made. Maybe if you ignore it, it will go away.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I don’t agree with many things done by the Bush administration. But I did “help build it” since I voted for him. His stand on taxes and terrorists are about the only thing we agree on. He’s not much different than Kerry or Gore on all the rest.
Comment by Don — Saturday October 29, 2005 @ 8:39 am
Yes. You lie to a Grand Jury, any Jury, hell, small claims court, and your ass should be prosecuted.
But you know as well as I that while the average Joe Bob and Mary Blow will get the book thrown at them, the High Ups will walk away to write their memoirs. Clinton was acquitted by the Senate. Libby will be pardoned. Nixon…need I go on?
I will say that 99.9% of the badass liberal mommies who hang out with me both in visceral and cyber life will agree that Clinton’s dalliances was unbecoming of the Presidency as well as a betrayal of feminist values. Not to mention the whole business of defining ‘semen stained Navy blue dress’ to bright young children.
Comment by GraceD — Saturday October 29, 2005 @ 9:42 am