Obama said this a few days ago about businesses.
“There will be time for them to make profits, and there will be time for them to get bonuses — now is not that time.”
Excuse me? So Obama doesn’t think now is the time for business to make a profit? Why would you run a business if not to make a profit? Does anyone else think Intel shouldn’t try to make a profit? Does anyone else think Microsoft shouldn’t try to make a profit? How about Boeing? How about the company you work for?
This should give those of you who love Socialism a tingly feeling in your leg. Obama is moving us towards being France.
He was talking about wall street execs. That it’s shameful that the stock market is struggling and their getting fat bonuses. Anything can sound horrible when it’s taken out of context.
Comment by Jocelyn — Saturday January 31, 2009 @ 4:19 pm
No Joce, he was talking about businesses. He made a comment about execs but his comment about not making a profit was pointed at business in general. He did not say only the businesses that had high paid execs.
Even if that was the case what right does the government have in telling anyone how much profit it is ok to make?
Comment by Don — Saturday January 31, 2009 @ 4:28 pm
now is the time to reinvest in companies. If a company is laying people off, maybe their highest officers should be getting lower bonuses. And the company as a whole should be showing lower profits.
Comment by Jocelyn — Saturday January 31, 2009 @ 7:40 pm
All I have to say is the company I work for…State of Arizona Education…just received a $113 million cut to the budget for the remainder of this year and plans are in the works for huge cuts to be applied for the next school hitting our district alone for $7.2 million dollars. We have 8 elementary schools and 2 high schools so we are a very small district. That is a HUGE cut. Our economy is in the crapper if I may be so blunt and education of our children is being affected. I understand cuts need to be made, but our children’s education is not the place. This might not be related to your topic but I feel strongly about this issue. I will also say I realize that the Republican party was for these cuts, but I do not agree.
Comment by Heather — Saturday January 31, 2009 @ 8:46 pm
That may be Joce but it’s not the government’s job to decide that. It’s the shareholders or owners.
Comment by Don — Saturday January 31, 2009 @ 8:53 pm
But they can call them out for it..
Comment by Jocelyn — Sunday February 1, 2009 @ 8:20 am
Why would they? It’s none of the government’s business. I understand you libs think we should have the government tell everyone what to do all the time but you can’t show me in the US Constitution where it says that’s their job.
Comment by Don — Sunday February 1, 2009 @ 12:39 pm
And where was the outcry when all of those corporate wall street execs were donating big bucks to Obama’s inaugural festivities? Maybe he should return all of that money so that it can be reinvested in our flailing economy. Oh right, it’s already been spent on the most expensive inauguration in history…3 times what Bush spent 4 years ago.
If wall street is smart (and it looks like they are), they will take as much of their money as they can, while they can. If Obama gets his way, it won’t be there much longer.
Comment by Robin — Monday February 2, 2009 @ 9:46 am
I’m with Joce in that i think the comment was aimed at Wall Street execs in businesses that had been bailed out.
And the comment about not making a profit — I thought it was descriptive rather than prescriptive.
Comment by Daryl — Tuesday February 3, 2009 @ 10:09 pm