My Substitute Reality -You're just jealous cause the little voices only talk to me-

Thursday October 30, 2008

What the???

Filed under: Politics — don @ 8:14 am

Obama has been saying he’s going to lower taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 since he started this campaign. Then last night in his Obomamercial he used the number $200,000.

For those of you who can actually count this means he’s already moved the bar on what he considers rich down about $50,000. Joe Biden is now using the number $150,000 to describe rich.

But for those of you who make less than $50,000 don’t worry, it will probably be months before he gets it down to you.

Can you say liar?


  1. I would venture to say that Obama turning out to be a liar is what Pelosi and the far left leadership of this country are counting on. There is no possible way for Obama to deliver on all of his promises without drastically changing the way American citizens are taxed and our system of government. And if you think that is not going to affect you, you are naive at best.

    Obama has done a really good job of convincing the uninformed in this country that he is a moderate. He has done what he needs to do to win, and the media has helped him by suppressing all of his past activities. But the only true indication of what his administration will be like is to look at his record. And his record is one of extreme liberalism and associations and sympathies with enemies of this country. That’s not what I want in my president.

    Obama has mesmerized the masses with his talk of how he’s going to give them the American dream and then some. But I would argue that’s not the role of goverment. Their role is to protect my rights and stay out of the way of ME achieving the American dream.

    Obama’s promises sound appealing, but what personal and financial freedoms are we going to have to sacrifice in the process? The more dependent we are on government, the more control and power they can exert over us. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to make that sacrifice.

    Comment by Robin — Thursday October 30, 2008 @ 11:52 am

  2. Hey, look on the good side. For the next 4 ( or 8 ) years, you guys will be able to blame everything wrong in the country, the world and your personal lives on the damned Democrats ruining everything. Think of all the indignant and angry blog postings you can make.

    I know that blaming Bush is one of the small consolations I’ve had over the past 8 years. Now it will be your turn.

    Comment by Daryl — Thursday October 30, 2008 @ 12:25 pm

  3. You’re counting your wins before they happen. I suspect NObama will win but can we at least wait until next Wednesday before you do your victory dance?

    Comment by Don — Thursday October 30, 2008 @ 12:32 pm

  4. The best we can hope for (if he does win) is that Obama will accomplish about as much as president as he did as a senator, which is pretty much nothing. Status quo would be healthier for this country than Obama-style “change”.

    Comment by Robin — Thursday October 30, 2008 @ 1:28 pm

  5. No, you’re right. The election isn’t over until it’s over. Reagan made a huge move in the last week to beat Carter. That was after a last-minute televised debate, and the debates are all over this year, but something huge could happen in the next couple of days to change things.

    Terrorist attack, Obama caught having gay sex, etc. It’s even possible that the Bradley effect will suddenly rise from its grave and show that the polls are all wrong. puts the odds at 96.2% that Obama will win, based on polls and polling accuracies, but that’s not zero.

    Comment by Daryl — Saturday November 1, 2008 @ 6:18 pm

  6. I mean “that’s not 100%”.

    Comment by Daryl — Saturday November 1, 2008 @ 6:19 pm

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