My Substitute Reality -You're just jealous cause the little voices only talk to me-

Tuesday August 9, 2005

Boom – boom!

Filed under: Life — don @ 9:37 am

The shuttle landed at Edwards today at 5:12 am. At 5:05 it broke the sound barrier over Southern California. The main reason I know this is because that’s what got me out of bed.


  1. Maybe that was what I heard this afternoon that I thought was thunder. It was the broken sound barrier just getting to Arizona!

    Comment by Donna — Tuesday August 9, 2005 @ 6:35 pm

  2. I was in Florida once when it landed. It was early in the morning and it woke me too.

    Comment by Richard — Wednesday August 10, 2005 @ 5:25 pm

  3. Have you left the substitute realilty and gone back to the actual one? No updates for 11 days!

    Comment by Donna — Saturday August 20, 2005 @ 11:31 am

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