That’s how often the technician told me I was having an apnea during the first half of last night. In case you haven’t researched it that’s a LOT! They consider someone has a problem if they have more than 5 an hour. I have 5 in under 3 minutes. At least that explains why I’m tired in the morning.
At 1am I was fitted with a CPAP mask and then refitted every 10 minutes for the next hour and a half until we found one that sealed around my beard enough. Once I got used to the feel I fell asleep around 2:30 and was awakened at 5am. I haven’t had 2 1/2 hours of sleep that good in ages. Now I’ve just got to get one for here at home.
That’s very good. I’m wondering if I have a sleep thingy too.. I thaught it was just my cats waking me up. But I locked them out last night and still woke up every few hours. Let me know how the breathy thing goes. I guess you can’t shave your beard now, you’ll have to get a new mask. Will it mess up if you grow your beard to long?
Comment by Jocelyn — Wednesday April 25, 2007 @ 3:14 pm
Thank goodness! Some one in the family is blogging; I check every day, and things are terribly quiet. Keep us informed.
Comment by Mom — Wednesday April 25, 2007 @ 8:49 pm
Wow, that’s a lot of sleep interruptions. Hope the cpap helps. Was it hard to sleep with a mask on your face? I suppose you’ll get used to it.
Comment by Donna — Wednesday April 25, 2007 @ 10:14 pm
Glad you are on the path to a better life. It would be no fun being tired all the time.
Comment by Richard — Thursday April 26, 2007 @ 11:10 pm
It wasn’t that hard to sleep with the mask. It was a lot harder to sleep with all the electrodes and wires.
I still don’t have my CPAP but hopefully today. My Dr. messed up and gave me a referal for a CPAP instead of a prescription then took yesterday afternoon off. Referals are for HMO patients and we are PPO.
You are quite correct Richard, it is no fun being tired all the time.
I did get a copy of the report from my sleep study. I have a AHI(Apnea-Hypopnea Index) of 86 which means I have about 86 apneas per hour. That’s not quite as many as 2 a minute but it’s still pretty high. I was diagnosed with Severe OSA.
Comment by Don — Friday April 27, 2007 @ 6:49 am
CPAP mask?
Comment by Daryl — Friday April 27, 2007 @ 8:08 am
Put up a link showing the cpap you finally get. Happy Sleeping!!
Comment by Betty — Friday April 27, 2007 @ 8:38 am
I went through the whole day without feeling like I needed to take a nap. YAY!
Comment by Don — Monday April 30, 2007 @ 3:46 pm
Must be you got it. I’m always sleepy, but consider it old age.
Comment by Mom — Wednesday May 2, 2007 @ 9:15 pm
Wooo Hoooo!! The greatest side effect of Don’s CPAP thing, is that I’m now getting sleep too!!
Comment by Betty — Thursday May 3, 2007 @ 9:27 pm
After using it for a week I have to say I’m quite pleased. It makes the day a lot better to not be tired all the time.
Comment by Don — Friday May 4, 2007 @ 4:10 pm
Will you have to wear it for the rest of your life? That isn’t a bad thing, the way it sounds; many people are attached to their oxygen hoses, and can’t live without them, and they seem very happy to have them available. Is this apnea genetic, or what was the cause?
Comment by Mom — Sunday May 6, 2007 @ 9:16 am
Considering I’ve snored pretty much my whole life I suspect I will have to use it from here on out. The root cause of apnea isn’t really known but being overweight definately makes it worse.
Comment by Don — Sunday May 6, 2007 @ 3:28 pm
CPAP mask??
Comment by Daryl — Tuesday May 8, 2007 @ 10:01 am
Ok, I have one of these
and one of these
I wear the 2nd one the most as the 1st one makes my nose a little uncomfortable after a while.
Comment by Don — Tuesday May 8, 2007 @ 6:33 pm
Wow. That’s a lot of hardware. Do you have to sleep on your back or can you toss and turn?
Comment by Richard — Tuesday May 8, 2007 @ 9:01 pm
I can toss and turn. I sleep so much sounder I don’t notice it that much once I have fallen asleep. I am a back sleeper anyways so it wouldn’t be bad if I couldn’t sleep on my side.
Comment by Don — Tuesday May 8, 2007 @ 9:42 pm
Hmmm, I see Robin Williams has to wear a CPAP mask, too. Interesting.
Comment by Donna — Wednesday May 9, 2007 @ 1:36 pm
It’s been two and a half weeks, time for an update. And how long now, with no smoking?
Comment by Mom — Saturday May 12, 2007 @ 9:48 pm
Has it really been that long since I got the cpap? I think it’s closer to 2 but ok. I sleep so much better now. I’m still getting used to the mask. I’ve got a sore on the bridge of my nose. I’m gonna try to use the nostril pillow one tonight and hope I sleep all night.
As for no smoking it’s been since February 12th so lets’ do the math. This is May 12th so it must be 3 months. Hey, how about that? Yay Don!
Comment by Don — Saturday May 12, 2007 @ 10:14 pm