The subject says it all. You should vote for the person you feel would do the best job for your state/city/country. Of course if you vote Democrat you will probably burn in hell but itsn’t that a small price to pay?
Tuesday November 7, 2006
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So if I vote Democrat I burn in hell. But if the Republicans win, it’s hell on earth!
What to do, what to do…
Comment by Daryl — Tuesday November 7, 2006 @ 11:10 am
Which of these hells has you down the most?
1- Booming economy
2- DOW at all time high
3- Low unemployment
4- Low taxes
5- No attacks on US soil since 9/11
6- 700 mile border fence approved
7- Saddam found guilty
8- None of the above
I’m guessing it’s probably the war in Iraq that has you down the most as it does most Americans. It saddens me that this country has degraded to the point where they need instant gratification. ”If we can’t win in 3 years we might as well bring our boys and girls home” might be the feelings of that majority.
If only it was that simple. We HAVE to fight Islamic Fascism in our time. The alternative is to give up and become Muslim. They will not rest until they are dead, or we are. I prefer it be them.
It reminds me of a line from the first Terminator. ”It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear; and it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!”
Comment by Don — Tuesday November 7, 2006 @ 4:45 pm
1 – War in Iraq
2 – Huge deficit
3 – Support for faith-based (read “Fundy Christian Only”) initiatives — or pretending to support — see David Kuo’s book.
4 – Ignoring science for decisions (see my blog), regarding many issues such as Abstinence Only, Global Warming, Lead Standards, environmental protection, over-the-counter emergency contraceptives, etc, etc.
5 – Patriot Act eroding our civil rights. Wire taps without court order. — “Trust me!”. US citizens sent to prison with no due-process, no access to lawyers. Violation of the rules of the Geneva Convention
6 – Walking away from already agreed-on treaties, making the US look unreliable (e.g. Kyoto Accord)
I could go on and on.
Regarding your “pluses”,
1 – I think it’s pretty clear that Greenspan and random chance had more to do with the good economy than the president. I didn’t blame Bush for the bad economy in 2000 – 2003 either.
2 – See number 1.
3 – See number 1.
4 – With increased spending, resulting in a huge deficit. And most of the tax cuts went to the rich.
5 – True. However, as many Americans have been killed in Iraq as were killed in the World Trade Center, along with some 50,000 Iraqi civilians.
6 – Debatable if this is a plus or minus. See if illegal immigration decreases after it’s built.
7 – Yeah, OK, good to see him get his due by an Iraqi court.
I can’t believe that you are equating the Iraqi war with fighting terrorism. True, Saddam was a very naughty man who deserved to be overthrown, but there’s no evidence that Iraq had anything to do with organized international terrorism. In fact, Al Queda and Saddam were enemies. AQ is thrilled at what we have done, besides creating the ripest recruiting and training ground for terrorism in the world, filled with people who hate us more than ever.
Even if we granted that we did the right thing by attacking and overthrowing Saddam, it’s obvious that it the follow up was very poorly planned (or not planned at all). The average Iraqi is in much worse shape than they were under Saddam. More people are dying, people are afraid to leave their homes. The country is disintegrating. Sunni and Shiite used to live side-by-side in peace.
Instead of making us safer from terrorism, the war in Iraq has made us less safe.
Comment by Daryl — Tuesday November 7, 2006 @ 6:34 pm
I voted for who I agreed with most by there personal views. The party they’re on doesn’t matter 2 me.
Comment by Jocelyn — Tuesday November 7, 2006 @ 6:47 pm
1- I can’t believe you can’t see the link between the war in Iraq and terrorism. Hussein and Bin Laden had a common enemy, us. Hussein continued to ignore UN sanctions. He did not comply with a single UN resolution. Sure he let inspectors in, all the time moving his WMD to where they weren’t. It was clear to the whole world that he had WMD. Everyone said so including Russia, France, Germany, Spain, John Kerry, Bill and Hillary, Ted Kennedy, in fact pretty much every democrat except Pelosi. I hope you don’t think he wouldn’t have sold them to terrorists. If you are still so naive to think he didn’t move them to Syria when we started massing troops in 2002 I can’t help you.
2- I hope you aren’t suggesting it would be lower if the democrats had been in control when our country was attacked. I also wish it was lower but to suggest it was because of Bush is just plain wrong. It’s mainly because of 9/11.
3- I’m with you on this one.
4- This one too.
5-Which civil right have you lost? How has your life become “hell” because of the patriot act? The wire taps you speak of are not illegal and don’t require a court order. This has been decided by the high courts. I suspect it will go to the Supreme Court once today’s election is over. The Geneva Convention does not apply to terrorists. They are not representing any country.
6- I’m going to stay neutral on this one.
Your comment on taxes shows how different our beliefs are on that. The reason the economy is so good is because some of the people’s money was returned to them and they invested it. Reagan called it “trickle down”. It worked then and it worked this time.
Do you actually have any idea how much of the taxes are paid by the “rich”? Do you know how much of the income tax is paid by the top 1% ? How about the top 10%? Top 30 %?
If you actually do know the answer then your comment says you are a socialist. The top 1% pays more than 20% of the tax. The top 10% pay about 70%. The bottom 10% pay no tax at all. Do you think they should get a refund? The reason the rich get the tax cuts is because THEY PAY THE LIONS SHARE OF TAXES!!!!! Liberals always forget to mention that part.
Comment by Don — Tuesday November 7, 2006 @ 7:13 pm