My Substitute Reality -You're just jealous cause the little voices only talk to me-

Saturday May 31, 2008

Cool Flash

Filed under: Nothing — don @ 7:43 am

This is a pretty nifty Flash animation.

I’m going to Pismo in about 3 weeks so I should have a bit more to say. I put a new carb on my quad that I hope makes it faster than my friend’s Raptor. He’s been beating me every time we race so I got a Mikuni TM45. That is supposed to give me about 6 more horsepower. That doesn’t seem like much but I started at about 39 so it’s a 15% boost. I’ll let you all know.

Friday May 2, 2008

Get Fuzzy!

Filed under: Nothing — don @ 5:54 pm

This was the Get Fuzzy from yesterday. I find it mildly amusing.

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