My Substitute Reality -You're just jealous cause the little voices only talk to me-

Sunday March 30, 2008

WordPress 2.5

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Geek — don @ 7:24 pm

There’s a new version of WordPress out. I just installed it but I’m not quite sure what’s new. It definitely looks different than the older versions. I think they were going for a simpler look.

They have made it easier to add media which means more than just pictures. There is now a link for image, video, audio, and one just called media. I’ll see what they do at a later date. It looks like they’ve gone Web 2.0.

The update was just as easy as it usually is. Backup, copy a few folders, run the 2 second update and you’re done.

Monday February 25, 2008

More animated gifs

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Geek — don @ 8:35 pm

Here’s a few more cute animated gifs I’ve seen lately.

You might notice the Panda is just a variation on an earlier one I had where the Panda was giving birth.

Tuesday January 29, 2008

Nerd test

Filed under: Geek — don @ 10:13 pm

Although I would call it a Geek test.

I am nerdier than 92% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

Monday December 3, 2007


Filed under: Geek — don @ 9:40 pm

Well, maybe pretty isn’t the correct word but it is different. I’m talking about my Gallery. Donna sent me an email yesterday about maybe making a theme for our Gallerys so I started playing around and I’ve got a Christmas theme now. It isn’t the greatest but at least it’s red and green.

Friday September 28, 2007

New WordPress

Filed under: Geek — don @ 3:31 pm

Daryl told me the Plesk update also updated our MySQL and PHP so the new WordPress should work. He suggested I try it to make sure it works and I have to report success. It seems to work just fine. If you do the upgrade you won’t need to activate the widget plugin as WP has it built in.
Let’s see how it handles pictures. This is a pic of a carrier I plan to get for my bike. This is not my bike but it’s very similar except for the color. My bike is Silver which we all know is the fastest color.

Saturday September 8, 2007

Nifty GIF

Filed under: Geek — don @ 11:03 pm

I saw this and really liked it. It’s a good example of what you can do with an animated GIF.


Here’s another really neat animated gif.


One more for good measure.


Sunday July 29, 2007

iLove iT!

Filed under: Geek — don @ 6:57 pm

Ok Donna, here’s the post. When I heard about the iPhone I figured it would be similar to an iPod. Very slick but overpriced. When I finally played with one I realize it was VERY slick and overpriced but it’s also about the neatest tech toy I’ve ever bought. Steve Jobs introduced it as 3 devices in 1. It’s a phone, an iPod, and an internet browser. As any of those by itself it probably wouldn’t be all that cool but to put them in the one device makes it something special. The browser is a real browser and not one of those mini-browsers you get on other smart phones. When you look at a web site it looks exactly like it does on your PC only much smaller. But, you can zoom in and out really easily and it’s actually possible to see everything on a page in a size you can read. The screen is extremely crisp.

It also has Google Maps integrated so that you can search for something like a restaurant, auto parts store, etc. and then when you find one you want to call you can do it with a few touches of the screen. Really quite cool. You can also switch to satellite maps and see the same resolution you see on your PC.

The iPod part is probably the same as any other iPod but I’ve never had one so I’m not sure. It will do songs, videos, podcasts etc. One cool thing is if you are listening to a song and you get a phone call it mutes the song, lets you answer the phone and then when you hang up it goes back to where the song paused. Again quite cool.

You’re probably wondering if it’s worth $500 or $600. Probably not to most people and I was pretty sure I was one of those people until I actually played with it for a bit. It’s got a lot of OHHHHHHHHHHH factor if you know what I mean.


Wednesday July 18, 2007


Filed under: Cool Stuff,Geek — don @ 6:20 pm

This is a really cool little app!  Take a look at what it can do.

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