My Substitute Reality -You're just jealous cause the little voices only talk to me-

Thursday February 28, 2008

Liam! Kenosha!

Filed under: Life,Personal — don @ 9:33 pm

We arrived yesterday. We went to eat at Applebees and then we went back to the hotel. Today we picked up Joce and went to Jelly Belly and the Mars Cheese Castle. Then we went to see Lake Michigan and drove by Franks Diner, a Kenosha landmark. Tonight we went to a Chinese restaurant and then back to the hotel. Joce sent me this pic of Liam tonight.
Tomorrow we are going to play it by ear.

See my Gallery for pics from our trip so far.

Here’s a couple of pics I took about 11:20PM tonight.

Tuesday February 12, 2008

Congrats to me

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Personal — don @ 7:25 pm

This is pretty cool!


Saturday November 10, 2007

Our Michelle

Filed under: Personal — don @ 8:33 pm

Please see Betty’s blog for a message about Michelle.

Thursday August 30, 2007

Who would have believed it 20 years ago?

Filed under: Life,Personal — don @ 4:17 pm

This was finally given to me today.


I doubt anyone would have believed I would ever work at one place for 20 years but there’s the proof.

Tuesday August 14, 2007

Oh yeah…..

Filed under: Life,Personal — don @ 7:09 pm

I forgot all about this and had to be reminded by my Stop Smoking program.  Here’s the subject from that email.

“Congratulations! You’ve met a milestone in staying quit”

That milestone would be 6 months and it happened on Sunday which was also Jenny’s birthday.  Maybe that’s why I forgot or maybe I’m truly a non-smoker now and don’t think about it often.  As I was told by other ex-smokers I still get the cravings but they come much less often now.

Sunday July 15, 2007


Filed under: Life,Personal — don @ 4:44 pm

Here’s a fun site that I found.

Saturday July 7, 2007

Fabooboo’s Forum

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Life,Personal — don @ 7:19 pm

Betty now has a real blog instead of that Blogger thing.  Jenny used to call her Fabooboo when she was young and Betty has always liked it so it’s Fabooboo’s Forum.

Monday July 2, 2007

3rd one is the charm(we hope)

Filed under: Life,Personal — don @ 6:54 pm

You may think I’m talking about my 3rd grandchild just announced by Jocelyn on her blog but you would be wrong.  As excited as we are by that news(and we are, we were told a few weeks ago) it has been overshadowed by Betty needing another stent.  She has had no energy for several month and this morning she went for an angiogram.  That showed some blockage at the point where she had the first stent put in on July 4th, 2004 so they put in another one.  She’s staying overnight in the hospital and we think she’ll probably be home tomorrow.  Your thoughts and prayers are always appreciated.

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