My Substitute Reality -You're just jealous cause the little voices only talk to me-

Friday November 11, 2016

Hello Mr. President

Filed under: Nothing — don @ 7:03 pm

We had an election a few days ago and now the world is freaking out.

I’ve never seen so many snowflakes screaming, crying, and gnashing their teeth.

This is what you get when you bring up a generation by not letting them experience failure.  This is what happens when you don’t keep score because you don’t want to make anyone feel bad.  This is what happens when you give everyone a trophy because they “participated”.

My generation wasn’t brought up this way and my parents generation was brought up even more strict than mine.

We were spanked when we did wrong.  We didn’t get gold stars for going to school unless we went every day for the whole year.  We knew we had to be polite to our elders and we knew if we weren’t there would be repercussions.

I like to think my kids were brought up a bit better than the snowflakes we are seeing protesting something that happens EVERY FOUR YEARS!!!

I like to think my kids knew what it meant to lose and what it meant to win and that they were strengthened by both.

I didn’t vote for Mr. Trump.  I live in California where it doesn’t matter who you vote for because the Democrats have convinced every poor family and every non-white family that the only way to live is to have the government take care of you.

I didn’t vote for him because I knew my vote didn’t matter and I just didn’t care for him or her.  But if I had lived in a swing state I would have voted for him because to vote for her would have been a vote to continue the decline.  This country has been headed down for way too long.  It’s time we started letting our children know how to lose so that they can live in the real world.



Sunday September 11, 2016

9/11/16 Never Forget

Filed under: Nothing — don @ 7:48 am


Friday September 11, 2015

Never Forget

Filed under: Family,Nothing,Personal — don @ 6:14 am


Thursday September 11, 2014

Never Forget 9/11/2001

Filed under: Nothing — don @ 6:29 am


Sunday July 17, 2011


Filed under: Nothing — don @ 5:41 pm

All you folks who don’t live in LA have no doubt heard about Carmageddon. With all the hype I kept saying it would never happen. People are not as stupid as the media would have us believe.

When they close a major road anyone with any sense is going to avoid that area and that’s exactly what happened. We didn’t change anything at all about what we normally do. I suspect most didn’t except the ones who do normally use the 405.

I know Richard also didn’t think it would be bad since he lived through the 84 Olympics. I wasn’t here then but heard the stories about how the traffic was supposed to be a nightmare and it never happened. I don’t know why anyone thought it would be any different this time.

Wednesday October 27, 2010

From my iphone

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Nothing — don @ 11:45 am

This is being posted from my iPhone using the WordPress app. I wanted to see if I could post pictures so Dale could see how to do it.

Seems to work.

Monday May 4, 2009

Obama & Narcissism

Filed under: Nothing,Politics — don @ 1:02 pm

Read on a blog somewhere but you can find this easily if you do a search for Samuel Vaknin.

Narcissism (dictionary meaning for those who don’t know the word): From Greek mythology, a youth doomed to fall in love with his own image until he pined away and died, his corpse being changed in to a flower which bears his name (Narcissus). In psycho-analysis, an abnormal love, preoccupation and admiration for oneself.

Samuel Vaknin, Ph.D. Dr. Vaknin has written extensively about Narcissism.

Dr. Vaknin states ” I must confess I was impressed by Sen.Barack Obama from the first time I saw him. At first I was excited to see a black candidate. He looked youthful, spoke well, appeared to be confident – a wholesome presidential package. I was put off soon, not just because of his shallowness but also because there was an air of haughtiness in his demeanor that was unsettling. His posture and his body language were louder than his empty words.

Obama’s speeches are unlike any political speech we have heard in American history. Never a politician in this land had such quasi “religious” impact on so many people. The fact that Obama is a total incognito with zero accomplishment, makes this inexplicable infatuation alarming.

Obama is not an ordinary man. He is not a genius. In fact he is quite ignorant on most important subjects. Barack Obama is a narcissist.

Dr. Sam Vaknin, the author of the Malignant Self Love believes “Barack Obama appears to be a narcissist.”

Vaknin is a world authority on narcissism. He understands narcissism and describes the inner mind of a narcissist like no other person. When he talks about narcissism everyone listens.

Vaknin says that Obama’s language, posture and demeanor, and the testimonies of his closest, dearest and nearest suggest that the Senator is either a narcissist or he may have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

Narcissists project a grandiose but false image of themselves. Jim Jones, the charismatic leader of People’s Temple, the man who led over 900 of his followers to cheerfully commit mass suicide and even murder their own children was also a narcissist. David Koresh, Charles Manson, Joseph Koni, Shoko Asahara, Stalin, Saddam, Mao,Kim Jong Ill and Adolph Hitler are a few examples of narcissists of our time. All these men had a tremendous influence over their fanciers. They created a personality cult around themselves and with their blazing speeches elevated their admirers, filled their hearts with enthusiasm and instilled in their minds a new zest for life. They gave them hope! They promised them the moon, but alas, invariably they brought them to their doom.

When you are a victim of a cult of personality, you don’t know it until it is too late. One determining factor in the development of NPD is childhood abuse. “Obama’s early life was decidedly chaotic and replete with traumatic and mentally bruising dislocations,” says Vaknin. “Mixed-race marriages were even less common then. His parents went through a divorce when he was an infant (two years old). Obama saw his father only once again, before he died in a car accident. Then his mother re-married and Obama had to relocate to Indonesia, a foreign land with a radically foreign culture, to be raised by a step-father. At the age of ten, he was whisked off to live with his maternal (white) grandparents. He saw his mother only intermittently in the following few years and then she vanished from his life in 1979. She died of cancer in 1995”.

One must never underestimate the manipulative genius of pathological narcissists. They project such an imposing personality that it overwhelms those around them. Charmed by the charisma of the narcissist, people become like clay in his hands. They cheerfully do his bidding and delight to be at his service. The narcissist shapes the world around himself and reduces others in his own inverted image. He creates a cult of personality. His admirers become his co-dependents.

Narcissists have no interest in things that do not help them to reach their personal objective. They are focused on one thing alone and that is power. All other issues are meaningless to them and they do not want to waste their precious time on trivialities. Anything that does not help them is beneath them and do not deserve their attention..

If an issue raised in the Senate does not help Obama in one way or another, he has no interest in it. The “present” vote is a safe vote. No one can criticize him if things go wrong. Those issues are unworthy by their very nature because they are not about him.

Obama’s election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations. The University of Chicago Law School provided him a lot longer than expected time and at the end it evolved into, guess what? His own autobiography! Instead of writing a scholarly paper focusing on race relations, for
which he had been paid, Obama could not resist writing about his most sublime self. He entitled the book Dreams from My Father. Not surprisingly, Adolph Hitler also wrote his own autobiography when he was still nobody. So did Stalin. For a narcissist no subject is as important as his own self. Why would he waste his precious time and genius writing about
insignificant things when he can write about such an august being as himself?

Sunday May 3, 2009

My daughter is famous!

Filed under: Nothing — don @ 11:56 pm

Maybe famous is too strong a word. Maybe it would be better to just say she’s in a photo that will probably be viewed by millions. Maybe not soon, but before it’s replaced with another one.

Ok, what the heck am I talking about? I’m talking about Google Maps Street View. It seems Heather and either Camden or Carsten were outside when the picture car went by. You can see fairly well in one of the shots. I can’t tell which grandson it is but it’s definately Heather. I would post the address but I don’t think that would be such a great idea. If you know them then you know where to look.

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