My Substitute Reality -You're just jealous cause the little voices only talk to me-

Tuesday June 24, 2014

Trivia Questions

Filed under: Politics — don @ 12:38 pm

Six trivia questions to see how much history you really know. Be honest, it’s kinda fun and revealing. If you don’t know the answer make your best guess. Answer all the questions (no cheating) before looking at the answers. 
Who said it?
1) “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” 
A. Karl Marx 
B. Adolph Hitler 
C. Joseph Stalin 
D. Barack Obama 

2) “It’s time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few … and to replace it with shared responsibility, for shared prosperity.” 
A. Lenin 
B. Mussolini 
C. Idi Amin 
D. Barack Obama 

3) “(We) …. can’t just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people.” 
A. Nikita Khrushev 
B. Josef Goebbels 
C. Boris Yeltsin 
D. Barack Obama 

4) “We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own … in order to create this common ground.” 
A. Mao Tse Dung 
B. Hugo Chavez 
C. Kim Jong Il 
D. Barack Obama 

5) “I certainly think the free-market has failed.” 
A. Karl Marx 
B. Lenin 
C. Molotov 
D. Barack Obama 

6) “I think it’s time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched.” 
A. Pinochet 
B. Milosevic 
C. Saddam Hussein 
D. Barack Obama 
(1) None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton … 6/29/2004 
(2) None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton … 5/29/2007 
(3) None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton … 6/4/2007 
(4) None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton … 6/4/2007 
(5) None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton … 6/4/2007 
(6) None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton … 9/2/2005

Friday June 20, 2014

What is a lie?

Filed under: Politics — don @ 6:50 pm

I wrote this post back in October of 2013 but didn’t publish it so as to let some people cool down.  I think it’s quite relevant now.

Definition of LIE

:  an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with intent to deceive

:  an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker

:  something that misleads or deceives
:  a charge of lying (see 3lie)
“If you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor.”
Well that fits 1b and 2 quite nicely regardless of whether you believe Obama knew the truth or not.  The fact is he lied.  Did he know he was lying?  I don’t know how he couldn’t have if he truly understood his bill but even if we accept that he didn’t really know it all that does is show that he is clueless.
“I learned about Fast and Furious when it appeared in the newspapers.”
Again 1b and 2.  Again the same charge.
In fact what becomes quite clear is that our president is either the most clueless president we’ve ever had or the most deceitful.  He is always the last to know if we believe what he tells us.  Do you think he really didn’t know the US was spying on our allies?  We’ve been doing it for decades.  I knew, how could he not know?
This president has run our country into the ground.  Those of you who voted for him have to at least be getting a bit of a clue that he’s not the savior you envisioned.  The light must be coming on that all those things he promised you were just smoke and mirrors.  Yes folks, this president has no clothes.

Do They Think We’re Stupid?

Filed under: Politics — don @ 6:46 pm

The IRS has finally shown just how corrupt this administration is.

The back story:  During the years after Obama took office the IRS targeted Conservative organizations that were trying to get tax exempt status.  They denied it for a long time until they finally had to admit that it had in fact happened.

Lois Lerner was the director of the IRS Exempt Organizations Unit during this time.  She was called to testify before Congress but took the 5th.  In May of 2014 she was held in contempt of Congress.

Now the IRS says they lost all the emails between Lerner and the outside world for a period of 2 years which just happens to have been the 2 years that were of the most interest in the investigation.  “How convenient!” is what The Church Lady would say.

The company I work for is a little place with less than 50 employees but we have all the emails going back to when the company started using Outlook in 2010.  Anyone who believes the IRS really doesn’t have the emails was born in a turnip patch.

But millions of Obama apologists will make excuses and keep supporting this sorry excuse for an administration.  At least America is starting to wake up though as Obama’s approval rating is now about the same as GW Bush’s at the end of his term.  But those same Obama supporters will happily vote for someone who’s almost as bad when they mark their ballots for Hillary Clinton.  I’ll be sharing some info about her past in future blog posts.

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